Friday, October 24, 2008

Tough Advice

Dear C.C.,
I am a junior in college, and I have yet to find a good guy to date long term. Really, a good guy to love. I have found so many jerks that I thought may be the one, that I just want to give up! What should I do?
- Hopeless

Dear Hopeless,
You already know what to do. Give up! Stop searching. Love is not like the romance movies my dear, it is not that easy to find. Love will find you. You find so many jerks because you are in such a rush, you keep thinking 'what if he is the one?'. That is not a thought that will ever come in mind with 'the one'. When you find 'the one' there will be no thought, no question, you will simply just know. For now, relax.
Sincerely, C.C.

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